
Image result for hopeless book cover

-Colleen Hoover

Rating- 5/5

I have no idea how to write this review without crying. I know that I’m late to the club but I never could bring myself to read because of the reviews I heard. I finally did and holy shit did it exceed my expectations. In all honesty I expected it to be like the standard Colleen books that one has come to expect from her but what I read was so much more than emotions or drama. IT WAS FUCKING HEARTBREAKING, SOUL WRENCHING AND GUTTED ME. I am an absolute mess as I’m writing this. I feel rather than trying to give a synopsis of the book I want to convey what this book made me feel.

Let’s talk about Holder, the hero or as I like to call him a  fantasy because let’s be real the way Colleen portrays men in her novels are anything but possibly human. I would like to take a moment and be very cheesy and say that I LIKE/LIVE/LOVE Holder sooooooooooo much I want him to be real. I want a Holder in my life. He’s hands down one the best book boyfriends I’ve read about(tbh half the list is filled with Colleen’s book characters). He was so sweet and caring and amazing but I didn’t fall in love with him right away, I was kinda skeptical but he won me over pretty soon. I just really loved him, if you can’t tell already.

Talking about characters, Sky was the best damn female Colleen has written about. As we read about her life you realize just how strong and brave she is. I genuinely felt what she felt in every way though I haven’t experienced anything what she has. I could feel my heart breaking for her as if it were my own.But what I loved the most about her was her strength to move on and try to accept things even after some gasp worthy plot twists.

Colleen has this ability to talk about important issues and give such strong messages so they aren’t just a regular cheesy romance novel. You get so much more than you expected. Every time you try to think about a scene I can always imagine it vividly as if I were there.

I would love to talk about the plot but I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone even though I’m sure most of you’ve read it already. But please if you want to discuss the book with me and plan ways to get revenge on Colleen for ripping our hearts after every book feel free to message me on twitter.

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15717943-hopeless

Song for the book: Safe by Us The Duo

5 thoughts on “Hopeless

  1. Great review! When I first read it I was completely taken off guard by some of the major plot points that we shall not mention to avoid spoiling others….but damn, Hoover did a number on me with this book. I won’t be re-reading it anytime soon as I just can handle the feels for the situations in this book. I did read Losing Hope shortly after reading Hopeless. Do you plan on continuing on with the companion novel?


      1. I would totally suggest giving it some time if you do decide to read it. The story is told from Holder’s perspective, but it’s not just a reselling of Hopeless from his pov. So you get a lot more backstory about him and his relationship with Les, and that situation is heartbreaking in and of itself, especially considering what we know about her after reading Hopeless. I wouldn’t say that it’s necessary to read. But if you want more Holder and his perspective on the Hopeless story and what was going on in the background on his end of the story, then you could give it a read in the future.

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